
There are student-use computers located on the 1st (Main Entry) Floor and in the e-Classroom on Level B. All computers have word processing software. Please ask for headphones at the Circulation Desk. There are also data ports located throughout the library for laptop connections to the campus network as well as wireless access.

The library provides ample amounts of comfortable study space. However, should you require a personal desk where you can leave research materials for the semester, ask at the Circulation Desk about how you can reserve a desk for your semester or year-long research project. Desks are assigned between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Faculty Reading Room is a private space reserved exclusively for Denison faculty. The room is locked, with swipe-card access using your faculty D-Card. There are a variety of workspaces to facilitate individual or collaborative use as well as a selection of comfortable seating options. There’s a small kitchenette with a sink, coffee maker, microwave, and refrigerator. The room is available during Doane Library operating hours and used on a first-come, first-served basis. Ask at the Circulation Desk about reserving one of the lockers for your research materials.

The One Button Studio is an easy-to-use video recording studio, on Level 2 of the library, room 204, near the south stairwell. Check out the key at the Circulation desk on the first floor. Reserve the space using the CONSORT Catalog and searching for the title “One button studio,” then clicking “Book this Material” and entering your name and D number (including the D). Pick up the key at the Circulation Desk at the library’s main entrance.

Located on Level B, the e-Classroom is a fully-networked and wireless-enabled computer lab with 18 desktop stations, an instructor’s station, an LCD projector, and SmartBoard. Please contact Debby Andreadis or call x6682 if you would like to reserve this room.

This room, located on Level A of the Library, is a joint effort between the Library and Media Technology Services (MTS). The room has a seating capacity for up to 30 people and may be reserved for the following types of viewing:
- Video: VHS or DVD
- Computer projection
Reservations for the Library Viewing Room must be made in advance by contacting circdesk@denison.edu
MTS has modified the room so that it is a self-service room for the above-listed types of viewing. Any equipment problems in the Viewing Room will be addressed by MTS staff.

A limited number of lockers are available for assignment to any Denison student for one semester on a first-come, first-served basis. Lockers are assigned any time when the library is open. See the Circulation Supervisor on duty.

MTS equipment, such as digital cameras, video cameras, and more, can be checked out at the Circulation Desk. Assistance with MTS equipment is available in the Learning Commons on the main floor of the library. For help with the equipment that you have checked out from the library, please contact the ITS Service Desk.

The Library has a variety of printers available. Please make sure to select the appropriate printer for your needs and location.
- There are two printers in the Learning Commons on the 1st Floor, one black and white printer and one color printer.
- There is a printer outside the e-Classroom for the computers located there.
- You can also print to the printer in the Commons area from your laptop. See the instructions from ITS to enable this.

There are restrooms located throughout the library:
- Level B: Men’s & Ladies’ (in hallway near the e-classroom)
- Level A: Gender Neutral (near north stairs); Men’s & Ladies’ (in hallway by Viewing Room)
- 1st Floor: Gender Neutral (near north stairs)
- 2nd Floor: Gender Neutral (near north stairs)
- 3rd Floor: Gender Neutral (near north stairs)

As of right now, we no longer have any vending machines in the library. Stay tuned for updates!

- Level B: Next to the bathrooms
- 1st Floor: At the entrance to the DVD collection and Reference stacks
- 1st - 3rd Floors: Next to restrooms