Circulation Policies
The following information is about loan periods and overdue fines for the various types of library materials, broken down by the type of library borrower.
If you are currently not a student or employee of Denison University but would like to use the library, please inquire at the Circulation Desk about borrowing privileges.
The following information is about loan periods and overdue fines for the various types of library materials, broken down by the type of library borrower.

Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
- Note: New York Times Bestsellers may only be renewed ONCE
- CONSORT items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
- OhioLINK items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
Lockers: All students can check-out a locker key for a semester in the library.
Periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers): Ask at Circulation or Learning Commons Desk
Sound Recordings (CD):
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 2 renewals
- CONSORT items: do not circulate
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ NO renewals
Video Recordings (DVD & VHS):
- Denison items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- CONSORT items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
Media Equipment:
- Library Loaner Laptops: Library use ONLY 2 hours w/ NO renewals
- Digital Audio Recorders: 7 days w/NO renewals
- Digital Still Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, Portable Stereos, Tripods, Cardioid Microphones, Overhead Projectors, Screens & Power Adapters: 2 days w/ NO renewals Must be returned by closing on the due date
- Students may NOT borrow digital projectors, “Roadie” kits (computer/projector), laptops (except Library Loaner Laptops)
Reference & Special Collection Materials:
- These items DO NOT CIRCULATE. Ask at Reference or Circulation for a special exception, 1-day loan.
Overdue Fines & Replacement Costs:
The library does not collect overdue fines or replacement charges. All fees must be paid at the University Cashier’s Office on the 1st Floor of the Doane Administration Building.
- Books & Government Documents: $.50/day
- Sound Recordings: $.50/day
- Video Recordings: $.50/day
- Media Equipment: $25.00/day
- Reserve Materials (in-library use & overnight): $1.00/hour
- Reserve Materials (3-day): $10.00/day
Replacement Costs:
- Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- OhioLINK Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- Sound Recordings: $35 per CD; $20 per cassette; $20 per LP
- Video Recordings: $125 per video OR actual item cost
- Media Equipment: Actual item cost
- Reserve Materials: $125 per item
- Locker Keys: $20.00 each
- Locks: $40.00 each
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Same as other students with the following exceptions:
Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: entire academic year
- CONSORT items: entire semester w/ 1 renewal
Desks in the library are available for Seniors doing research to reserve for a semester. They may be renewed for a second semester if the student is doing research for the year.
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: 1 academic year w/ 6 renewals
Note: New York Times Bestsellers are loaned for 21 days and may only be renewed ONCE - CONSORT items: 1 semester w/ 1 renewal
- OhioLINK items: 42 days w/ 6 renewals
There are a limited number of desks available for faculty to use in a lockable room in the library.
Periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers):
- 3 days w/ NO renewals
Sound Recordings (CD):
- Denison items: 100 days w/ up to 6 renewals
- CONSORT items: do not circulate
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
Video Recordings (DVD & VHS):
- Denison items: 7 days w/ 3 renewal
- CONSORT items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
Media Equipment:
- Laptops, Projectors, “Roadie” Kits, Digital Audio Recorders, Overhead Projectors: 7 days w/ 1 renewals
- Digital Still Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, Portable Stereos, Tripods, Cardioid Microphones, & Power Adapters:
- 2 days w/ NO renewals
- Must be returned by closing on the due date
Reference & Special Collection Materials:
- These items DO NOT CIRCULATE. Ask at Reference or Circulation for a special exception, 1-day loan.
Overdue Fines & Replacement Costs:
The library does not collect overdue fines or replacement charges. All fees must be paid at the University Cashier’s Office on the 1st Floor of the Doane Administration Building.
- Failure to respond to a recall notice: $2.00/day per item
- Replacement Costs:
- Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- OhioLINK Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- Sound Recordings: $35 per CD; $20 per cassette; $20 per LP
- Video Recordings: $125 per VHS OR actual item cost
- Media Equipment: Actual item cost
- Reserve Materials: $125 per item
- Locker Keys: $20 each
- Locks: $40 each
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.
Requests for Affiliated Scholar privileges are handled though individual departments and must be designated with a letter to the library from the Provost’s Office. Affiliated Scholars have the same library privileges and responsibilities as Faculty members.

Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
Note: New York Times Bestsellers may only be renewed ONCE - CONSORT items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
- OhioLINK items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
Periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers):
- Ask at Circulation or Learning Commons Desk
Sound Recordings (CD):
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 6 renewals
- CONSORT items: do not circulate
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
Video Recordings (DVD & VHS):
- Denison items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- CONSORT items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- OhioLINK items: 7 days w/ 3 renewals
Media Equipment:
- Laptops, Projectors, “Roadie” Kits, Portable Screens, Digital Audio Recorders: 7 days w/ 1 renewals
- Digital Still Cameras, Digital Video Cameras, Portable Stereos, Tripods, Cardioid Microphone, & Power Adaptors:
- 2 days w/ NO renewals
- Must be returned by closing on the due date
Reference & Special Collection Materials:
- These items DO NOT CIRCULATE. Ask at Reference or Circulation for a special exception, 1-day loan.
Overdue Fines & Replacement Costs:
The library does not collect overdue fines or replacement charges. All fees must be paid at the University Cashier’s Office on the 1st Floor of the Doane Administration Building.
- Failure to respond to a recall notice: $2.00/day per item
- Replacement Costs
- Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- OhioLINK Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- Sound Recordings: $35 per CD; $20 per cassette; $20 per LP
- Video Recordings: $125 per VHS OR actual item cost
- Media Equipment: Actual item cost
- Reserve Materials: $125 per item
- Locker Keys: $20 each
- Locks: $40 each
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.

- Adult residents of Licking County
- Granville High School seniors
- Adults who reside outside Licking County and work in Granville
- Bon Appetit personnel working at Denison
Community Borrowers may check out no more than fifteen (15) items at any one time. Interlibrary Loan is not available to Community Borrowers.
Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 4 renewals
Note: New York Times Bestsellers do NOT circulate to Community Borrowers
Periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers):
- Do not circulate to Community Borrowers
Sound Recordings (CD):
- Denison items:
- 21 days w/ up to 2 renewals
- Maximum of 5 items (included in 15-item limit)
Media Equipment:
- Does not circulate to Community Borrowers
Reference & Special Collection Materials:
- These items DO NOT CIRCULATE. Ask at Reference or Circulation for a special exception, 1-day loan.
Overdue Fines & Replacement Costs:
The library does not collect overdue fines or replacement charges. All fees must be paid at the University Cashier’s Office on the 1st Floor of the Doane Administration Building.
- Books & Government Documents: $.50/day
- Sound Recordings: $.50/day
- Video Recordings: $10.00/day
- Reserve Materials (in-library use & overnight): $1.00/hour
- Reserve Materials (3-day): $10.00/day
- Replacement Costs:
- Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- OhioLINK Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- Sound Recordings: $35 per CD; $20 per cassette; $20 per LP
- Video Recordings: $125 per VHS OR actual item cost
- Reserve Materials: $125 per item
- Locker Keys: $20 each
- Locks: $40 each
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.

- Family of Denison Employees
- Denison alumni
You may check out no more than fifteen (15) items at any one time. Interlibrary Loan is not available.
Books & Government Documents:
- Denison items: 21 days w/ up to 4 renewals
Note: New York Times Bestsellers do NOT circulate to these borrowers - CONSORT items:
- 21 days w/ up to 4 renewals
- Maximum of 5 items (included in 15-item limit)
- OhioLINK items:
- 21 days w/ up to 4 renewals
- Maximum of 5 items (included in 15-item limit)
Periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers):
- Do not circulate
Sound Recordings (CD):
- Denison items:
- 21 days w/ up to 2 renewals
- Maximum of 5 items (included in 15-item limit)
- OhioLINK items:
- 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- Maximum of 5 items (included in 15-item limit)
Video Recordings (DVD & VHS): Denison items ONLY:
- 7 days w/ 3 renewals
- Maximum of 3 items (included in 15-item limit)
Media Equipment:
- Does not circulate to these borrowers
Reference & Special Collection Materials:
- These items DO NOT CIRCULATE. Ask at Reference or Circulation for a special exception, 1-day loan.
Overdue Fines & Replacement Costs:
The library does not collect overdue fines or replacement charges. All fees must be paid at the University Cashier’s Office on the 1st Floor of the Doane Administration Building.
- Books & Government Documents: $.50/day
- Sound Recordings: $.50/day
- Video Recordings: $10.00/day
- Reserve Materials (in-library use & overnight): $1.00/hour
- Reserve Materials (3-day): $10.00/day
- Replacement Costs:
- Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- OhioLINK Books & Government Documents: $125 per volume
- Sound Recordings: $35 per CD; $20 per cassette; $20 per LP
- Video Recordings: $125 per VHS OR actual item cost
- Reserve Materials: $125 per item
- Locker Keys: $20 each
- Locks: $40 each
Under Sec. 2935.041 of the Ohio Revised Code, a person suspected of theft or mutilation of library materials may be detained by a library staff member, either to recover the property or to wait until proper authorities arrive on site. Mutilation of library materials is handled on a case-by-case basis.
Other Policies

All gifts to the Library must be accompanied with the Denison Libraries Gift Receipt [pdf].
The library accepts unrestricted donations of library materials for review. Items are accepted with the understanding that they will be handled in the best interest of the institution. Decisions to add gift materials to the collections or to discard them are made on the basis of the library’s collection policy, which is designed to support the University’s academic programs. Once given to the library, donations cannot be returned to the donor.
Potential donors should provide in advance a list of materials being offered so that their value to the collection may be reviewed.
Gifts of rare books, manuscripts and other special items will be referred to the Special Collections Librarian. All others will be handled at the discretion of the Collection Development Librarian. Expenses incurred as part of the gift process, such as shipping, postage, and photocopying are normally absorbed by the donor.
Although the library acknowledges the receipt of gifts, by law it cannot provide assessments of their monetary value.

- Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which Library space may be used for filming, still photography and/or video production. This policy applies to filming, photography and video production by members of the Denison community, and excludes that by persons external to the University.
- Principles: The Library is a public study space for use by all students, staff and faculty. It is important that filming activities do not impinge on the rights of others who come to the library for quiet study. The Library is also a place where students work collaboratively, and as such we have designated floors and group study rooms to permit the talk associated with group work.
- Definitions: Crew includes all those persons associated with the film shoot, including actors, technicians, and others associated with the event, paid or unpaid. Filming / film shoot includes television production, still photography, video production.
- Policies: Filming is permitted in the Library under the terms and conditions set out in this document.
- Anyone wishing to film must complete and sign the Filming Request form [pdf].
- Any changes to lighting, major rearrangements of furnishings or the use of any on-site special effects must be disclosed.
- Filming should take place only at non-peak study times (early mornings or weekends). Filming during times when the building is closed may be arranged but a library staff member must be in attendance.
- Public service points (Circulation desk, Learning Commons desk) cannot be filmed during library open hours.
- Any person completing the form agrees to advise the Library staff member on duty at the Circulation desk and/or Security staff of any problems which arise during the film shoot.
- All non-crew/cast persons photographed must give verbal permission.
- Film equipment and participants cannot block access to materials, stairways or walkways.
- Scope: This policy applies to any student, faculty or staff, with the exception of photographers employed by the University for public relations purposes.
- Procedures: Persons wishing to direct a film shoot should obtain the policy and request form from the Circulation desk of the Library and complete it. This form should be completed in advance of the filming.
- Authority: The Circulation Supervisor on duty has the authority to terminate the film shoot if circumstances arise that make continuance of the filming undesirable.
- Approval: The Circulation Supervisor on duty has the authority to authorize the film shoot, upon satisfactory completion of the form. Special circumstances may require permission of the library director.
- Costs: No faculty, staff or student shall be required to pay any fee to film in the Library. The person signing the application form is responsible for the film crew and any costs associated with damage to the Library and University premises. The Denison Library is not liable for any loss/theft/damage of personal property of the crew or damage to equipment.

Reserving the Room:
- Faculty may reserve A25 for a class viewing of a film. Faculty reservations will be handled by the Reserve Specialist.
- Staff may reserve the room for presentations. (i.e. Human Resources, Off-Campus Studies, etc.)
- Students or student groups will be able to reserve A25 for showing of movies, holding discussions, etc. 1 week in advance.
- When the room is not reserved by a faculty member for class use, the room will be left open for use by the public.
- The use of the room will be on a first come – first served basis, if it is not reserved for a class.
- If there is a scheduled viewing in A25 anytime during the day, students who are using the room and who are not in the scheduled class will have to vacate the room 30 minutes prior to the scheduled viewing.
- Library staff will not normally monitor the usage of A25.
Copyright Compliance: Copyright information is posted prominently in A25 informing users of Copyright Violation if a film is shown for anything other than educational purposes. The individual showing the film, NOT the library, will be the responsible party for the copyright violation, if that issue arises.
Hours: A25 will be opened by the Stack Supervisor each day during normal opening procedures.
Food and Drink: The usual food and drink policy for the library will hold true for this room (see “Food, Beverages & Tobacco” under User Conduct).
Equipment in A25:
- The room is self-service. It is equipped with a multi-format VCR and DVD player and 50 inch plasma screen TV.
- Equipment problems should be addressed to the Circulation Desk through either the Help Line located in A25 or by having an individual from the class go to the Circulation Desk. NOTE: Media Technology Services (MTS) and library staff will make every effort to resolve equipment problems.
- Problems that cannot be resolved, those requiring repair, will be reported to the ITS Service Desk and resolved via MTS.

The Presidents Room houses the music score collection and can always be expected to attract some users for study, small informal group gatherings, relaxation, and contemplation. Therefore, heavy usage as a formal meeting space is undesirable. The Presidents Room is not intended to be used as a classroom or library instruction room. Usage as a meeting space for frequent, regularly scheduled meetings or for meetings or events that are primarily social, recreational, or club-like cannot be accommodated.
Scheduled Presidents Room activities should be ceremonial functions for which a more formal, learned setting is needed. Special events related to the academic program or special administrative functions are appropriate. Programmatic activities such as all-campus lectures are appropriate, if the size and configuration of the room suit the event.
Library usage of the room will occur from time to time. Occasional library receptions, meetings, or consortia meetings may be held in the Presidents Room, although those are best limited to instances when the conference room is unavailable; e.g., when multiple meetings are occurring on the same day.
Events should be scheduled a week or more in advance. Scheduling, as well as day to day interpretations and applications of policy, will be conducted by the Assistant to the Director. Scheduled events will be posted on or near the exterior of the Presidents Room door in advance of the meeting.

In accordance with Campus Posting Guidelines, please follow the approved methods for posting flyers and other information in the library.
- Posters should not be posted on the outside of the building, on interior or exterior walls, along walkways, or on any trees or lamp posts.
- No exterior glass doors, either inside or outside, may be used for any postings unless the posting is an emergency/community announcement which has been stamped for approval to post by the Office of Security and Safety.
- Please use the following bulletin boards to post announcements. Use push pins.
- Bulletin board on main level (1st floor)
- Bulletin board on the hallway to the Viewing Room on Level A