Campus Connections
The Homestead strives to maintain strong connections to Denison’s main campus, both academically and administratively. Homesteaders benefit from these ties, as does the entire university community through increased awareness of and knowledge about the Homestead. These relationships and opportunities drive the work of the Homestead Advisory Board, the Homestead Coordinator and participants in the Homestead Seminar.
Homestead Advisory Board
As it currently exists, the Homestead Advisory Board (HAB) was established in 1996 with the help of Tammy Lewis, a Denison professor who specialized in environmental sociology; Mike Frazier, who had been involved with the Homestead since 1985; and others.
According to the Homestead Constitution, HAB’s duties include:
- Review and approval of all major physical changes affecting the university’s property including the building of facilities.
- The purchase or construction of major equipment items.
- Review of the curricular elements of the Homestead Program.
- The auditing of fiscal transactions.
- All contractual arrangements affecting the university.
- All matters normally covered under the student life policies of the university.
Anyone who is interested in the welfare of the Homestead and its inhabitants may serve on HAB. The Homestead Constitution calls for a mixture of Homestead residents, faculty, and staff. At least two Homesteaders and the Homestead Coordinator must serve on the board. HAB is currently chaired by Linda Krumholz, Professor of English.
Past chairs are:
- Prof. Linda Krumholz, chair from 2000 to current
- Prof. Tammy Lewis, chair from 1996 to 2000
- Nedda Ahmed
Homestead Coordinator
The Homestead Coordinator position was created in the spring of 2002, primarily to provide continuity and guidance for Homestead residents. Some of the other duties currently assigned to the Homestead Coordinator include:
- Serve on the Homestead Advisory Board and work with HAB to oversee projects and maintain safety at the Homestead.
- Act as a liaison between the Homestead and appropriate academic and administrative offices (such as Facilities Services, Housing & Community, Campus Safety, and University Communications).
- Assist in planning and facilitating new building projects.
- Provide assistance regarding operational issues, such as photovoltaic electrical storage systems, water supply, maintenance items, cooking practices, and gardening.
- Help to coordinate regular maintenance of facilities.
- Help to create links between the Homestead and the academic community.
- Assist with the Homestead Seminar.
The current Homestead Coordinator is Kim Byce.
Homestead Seminar
The Homestead Seminar was officially accepted by the Academic Affairs Committee in 2002 as a two-credit course taught every semester (though it has since been reconfigured as a one-credit course). The intent of the seminar is to strengthen the living-learning connection through academic inquiry into issues relevant to the Homestead experience. All Homesteaders are required to take seminar at least one semester per year.
In the spring of 2008, the Homestead and HAB decided to restructure the Homestead Seminar to hear about more diverse topics than one professor could offer. Nearly every week, an professor or other guest comes to the Homestead to lead a discussion on the area of his or her expertise. Recent topics have included nature-based dyes, sustainable development and “finding your purpose.” If you are interested in leading a Homestead Seminar discussion, please contact Kim Byce, Homestead Coordinator.
In addition to attending and participating in weekly discussions, Homesteaders complete individual or group projects each semester, relevant to Homestead life. Visit the Homestead Archive to view seminar projects and schedules from throughout the Homestead’s history.