A First-Year Writing Journal

The Writing Center is excited to announce this year's issue of Prologue, a journal of First Year writing published annually. Prologue is designed to showcase excellent First Year writing as well as introduce students to the process of undergraduate publishing. We look forward to reading your submissions!

See Annual editions of Prologue

Who can submit to Prologue?

First Year students are encouraged to submit any piece of academic writing to the journal. Essays can come from any discipline, not simply W101 courses, and first years are encouraged to submit final papers or projects from across the curriculum. All papers must be submitted by the student and can be on any topic, and up to 15 pages in length.

How are essays selected?

After the submission deadline, the Prologue staff will select several quality pieces for publication. These pieces demonstrate first-year writing in a variety of ways—from collaborative pieces to research papers—and are selected to serve as examples to future first-year writers. The chosen authors will then work with a Writing Center Consultant to polish their piece. After revisions have been made, final essays will be published alongside commentary from the consultant highlighting strengths and areas to focus on within each paper.

How can I submit my essays?

Submissions should be directed to prologue@denison.edu as email attachments. Please feel free to contact the Prologue staff with any questions, comments, or concerns.

When are submissions due?

We host two submission periods. Our fall submission deadline is the last day of class during fall semester. Our spring deadline is the Friday before spring break.