Philosophy major Rob Moore ‘12 is the principal for Scioto Analysis, a public policy analysis firm based in Columbus, Ohio. Moore helps public sector clients like state and local governments figure out whether their policies are effective, efficient, and equitable. He shares some insights into his work, career path, and how Denison helped prepare him for success.
How did your philosophy major equip you in your career?
The road down this path for me honestly started in Steve Vogel’s “Theories of Justice” course. It was in this class that I learned about how public policy is a puzzle and the idea of balancing different interests to create a better society for everyone. I got to do my senior paper and senior research on theories of justice and that led me all the way to graduate school at UC Berkeley’s public policy school.
Why does this work appeal to you? What gets you excited?
I love solving problems and I love the idea of trying to make the world a better place. At its best, public policy analysis helps policymakers understand how public policies work so that they understand what will happen when they pull a given policy lever.
“I love solving problems and I love the idea of trying to make the world a better place.”
Can you describe your career journey to this point?
After graduation, I soon enrolled in the AmeriCorps, working as a community organizer in Omaha, Nebraska. I lived there for a few years, doing organizing and public policy work and eventually getting into public health. I then enrolled in a Master of Public Policy program at UC Berkeley before returning to Columbus, where I grew up. Upon returning, I worked for the state legislature for a couple of years, and then for a think tank before starting Scioto Analysis.
You and Economics Professor Fadhel Kaboub are interested in many of the same things. Can you talk about how your work intersects today?
We are! Actually, Dr. Kaboub and I have a lot of conversations. He is a panelist on the Ohio Economic Experts Panel, a panel of Ohio economists that Scioto Analysis has convened to answer questions of pressing public policy concern.
If you could give yourself a piece of advice as a first-year coming to Denison what would it be?
Join as many clubs as you can and take classes in different fields. You don’t have to choose a major for two years, so don’t rush it. College is unlike any other time in your life, so enjoy it while you can!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Denison is a special place and I truly cherish the time I had there and still keep in touch with the friends I made there. Use this as a time to focus on learning and trying new things: you won’t have an opportunity and environment to experiment like you have at Denison.