One thing every student learns at Denison is to check their email constantly. One day, when I was checking my email during my first semester of sophomore year, there was something about the Global Commerce department bringing a foreign ambassador to campus. Ambassador Carlo Krieger is Luxembourg’s ambassador to Brazil. My attention was caught, after all I am an international student from Brazil.
I went to one of the private meetings organized by the department, and it was great to get to know Ambassador Krieger! We talked about what interests Luxembourg has with Brazil, his thoughts about the new Brazilian president and what he represents for the country. At the end, we exchanged phone numbers and even planned to meet again in Brazil.
During Winter Break, I went back home to Brazil for the holidays and managed to meet Ambassador Krieger in the capital, Brasilia. It was my first time there and I learned so much about my own country with him. Ambassador Krieger and I visited political buildings and monuments as well as Luxembourg’s Embassy, places that I have only seen on TV by watching the news. Inevitably, we discussed politics, international issues, and economics. It was an amazing day! A little after that, I decided to major in Global Commerce.
A few weeks ago, Ambassador Krieger invited my parents to go to National Luxembourg day in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (where I live). They had an incredible time at a lovely dinner. Now, I am planning on either studying or working in Luxembourg next summer. The Global Commerce Department at Denison enabled me to build a strong and important connection. It has been an amazing opportunity to be in touch with Ambassador Krieger!