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Toni King, associate professor and director of the Black Studies Program, has been awarded the 2020 Brickman Leadership Award.
Author Pam Houston ‘83 gets kudos and the Colorado Book Award for creative nonfiction for her book “Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country.”
via Parker Chronicle
Anna Spain Bradley ‘99, an expert in international law and human rights has been named vice chancellor for equity, diversity & inclusion at UCLA.
via UCLA
Denison Associate Professor of Economics Quentin Duroy has been honored with the 2020 Brickman Teaching Award.
Denison University Professor of History Karen Spierling has been honored with the 2020 Bonar Award for exemplary teaching and mentoring
Prof. Laura Russell in conversation with Denison parent Frank Agin about the value of conversation.
via Networkingrx
Top athletes in the pool, James Baker ’20 and Dayen Wilson ’21 found competitive excellence as they strove against each other for almost 3 years.

James Baker ’20, Health, Exercise and Sport Studies major

Bebe Wang ‘20 was awarded a $10,000 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship. Here’s how the physics major and champion swimmer combined his loves at Denison.
Karthik Kripapuri ‘94 Ceo of omnichannel marketing and experience cloud technology company Selligent, shares positivity around Covid-19.
“Home is safety, home is sleep, getting enough sleep for possibly the first time in my whole life,” says Pam Houston ‘83.
Logan Agin ‘20 adds an unexpected twist to her virtual discussions.

Logan Agin ‘20

Building Business
by By Sheila Haar Siegel
Hal Holbrook ’48 and his wife Ruby Johnston ’50
The Last Moment
by By Jace Delgado
From Farm to Table, The Perfect Pair, Money Bag, and Iconic Look
Denison’s memorable “First Gentleman”
by By Lyn Boone
Bruce Spiess ’76 has spent a career in medical research—and he’s using that experience to solve problems arising out of COVID-19.
by By Ginny Sharkey ’83
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