Denison welcomes Artist Nathalie Miebach to offer our campus community new perspectives on the intersection of science, art, and music.

Notice: this information is for a past event.
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Nathalie Miebach: The Burden of Every Drop

The Sustainability Office, Denison Museum, and the Data Analytics Program have been working together to bring artist Nathalie Miebach to campus in Spring 2019 to offer our campus community new perspectives on the intersection of science, art, and music. Miebach will have a semester long exhibition at the Museum, a week long residence on campus, an artist talk over the bi-annual Tutti festival with a musical performance by Ethel, and numerous class visits with courses across the disciplines.

Nathalie Miebach explores the intersections of art and science by translating scientific data related to meteorology, ecology, and oceanography into woven sculptures, musical scores, and installations. Miebach examines how digital technologies and traditional crafts combine to give a more nuanced expression and understanding of information.

As humans we share many experiences, most of us have felt rain, heard thunder, or experienced a sunny day. As individuals, we each interpret, share, and communicate this information differently. What are the ways we see information across campus? As we think about how we teach, in our classrooms and within our departments, how do you share this information? In what ways does this information rely upon its discipline? These are just a few of the questions we hope to explore with this exhibition, starting in the gallery walls, but also in hallways, classrooms, and concerts across campus.

Exhibition on display: Jan 25 – May 18 during regular Museum hours, Monday – Friday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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