Spring break can be a great time to check in with your student about their professional plans — either what they want to do post-Denison or how they envision spending the summer. Here’s a list of questions you can ask your student over break:

  • Have you visited the Knowlton Center recently? What services or programs caught your eye? 
  • What careers are you currently considering, and what interests you about them?
  • Have you begun connecting with alumni through Ask A Denisonian or alumni events?
  • How comfortable do you feel with your resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills?
  • For first-years, sophomores, and juniors: What internships or opportunities are you thinking about for this summer?
  • For seniors: What post-Denison opportunities are you considering? How is your search going? Do you feel equipped to navigate that search?

As a reminder, the Knowlton Center for Career Exploration provides assistance and resources to students at any point in their career journey. We highlight a few resources below that we encourage your student to utilize this Spring:

  • Personalized Career Coaching: Students work 1-on-1 with career coaches who can connect them to resources and navigate the career exploration process.  
  • Searching for Internships: The Denison Internship Program guides students through the internship process and may also provide stipends for low-paid internships.
  • Career Readiness Bootcamp: Over three days, students master career basics, explore industries and career paths, network with Denison alumni and professionals, and fine-tune their interviewing skills.
  • Journey Program: This program helps students reflect on work that is fulfilling and determine what success means to them. Check out upcoming opportunities.
  • Ask a Denisonian: Tapping into the power of Denison’s network of 40,000+ alumni, students can ask a question, which is then answered by an alum with experience and background relevant to their question. This often leads to in-person, Zoom, or phone conversations.
  • Career Communities: Seven unique communities provide industry knowledge, internship and job postings, resources, events and opportunities, connections with professionals, and more.
March 5, 2024