In Spring 2021, Denison is partnering with CIEE, one of the largest and most respected study abroad providers in the world, to organize and run a unique program in Shanghai.

CIEE Shanghai is located on the campus of East China Normal University. ECNU, established in 1951, is one of China’s key institutions of higher learning. Nationally known for its Chinese language and literature program, the university hosts more than 26,000 students, including 3,700 international students, at its two campuses.

Denison students in China study Denison-approved courses taught in English. They connect with hundreds of other Chinese students studying at other U.S. universities such as UPenn, Syracuse, Tulane, Babson, who participated in similar programs in Shanghai.

They take accredited courses including Modern Chinese History, Mass Media in Asia, Calculus, Statistics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Chinese Film and Society, Intro to Computer Programming, and more.

In addition, these Denisonians participate in at least three local site visits/excursions to learn more about Shanghai and connect with their peers outside of class, and they connect with Denison alumni in Shanghai to begin forming their career network.

February 26, 2021