Denison University strives to educate and inspire its students to become active citizens of a democratic society. Participation in civic life through voting in local, statewide, and national elections is a crucial component of active citizenship. Toward this end, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to become registered voters and to exercise their right to vote.

Any questions about voting can be sent via DM to @duvotes on Instagram or emailed to You can also visit the CLIC Office on the 3rd floor of Slayter Hall.

New Ohio Voting Laws

Students who wish to vote in person in Ohio will need a valid Ohio ID. They will need one of the following:

  • Ohio Driver’s License
  • Ohio State Issued ID
  • Passport
  • Military ID

    Students can no longer use a utility bill as a form of identification for in-person voting. Students can vote absentee/vote by mail in the state of Ohio or continue to vote in one’s previous state by having the ballot sent to their mailbox at Denison. DU Votes and Alford Community Leadership and Involvement Center (CLIC) can assist students with requesting their absentee ballot, answer questions regarding how to mail the ballot, and make sure students know the deadlines for voting.

Voter Registration Information