On Thursday, August 27 Studio Art students gathered outside Bryant Arts Center, and were hosted by a Senior/Junior team, Junior and Senior Practicum professors, and chair Studio Art. This is the first of the Quaranteam Thursday events, which is an effort by Studio Art to create, maintain and grow community during this difficult time of pandemic. The first event was the art scavenger hunt… with winners pending… and future events will be virtual artist talks, symposium on creating anti racist space, alumni event, student internship session and more.

After welcoming students to the first of the Quaranteam Thursdays the team no. 6 (Sandra Spurlock ‘21, Wizdom Scott ‘21 and Jocelyn Baeza ‘21) proceeded to hand out maps and team designations. An hour later students rolled back in to Bryant with images taken of all the sites they had found with student artwork.

The event provided a great way to move art to the larger campus, share in finding what constituted the ‘art’, and make new friends within the program.

August 27, 2020