Linda Krumholz

Linda Krumholz

Director of the Center for Black Studies
Position Type
Other Affiliations

Linda Krumholz is Professor of English and Chair of the Homestead Advisory Board. She teaches Twentieth and Twenty-first Century African American, Native American, and Ethnic American literature as well as literary theory and composition. She currently holds the Lorena Woodrow Burke Chair of English.

Krumholz is interested in the ways fiction can transform social representations and beliefs about race, history, economics, power, and cultural identities. Her research focuses on novels by contemporary African American and Native American authors such as Toni Morrison, Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich, and Paule Marshall. In her recent work, she also considers how teaching can transform U.S. discourses and contemporary conversations about race. Her essays have appeared in Ariel, Contemporary Literature, African American Review, Modern Fiction Studies, and various anthologies

B.A., Reed College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Learning & Teaching

  • FYS 101: Autobiography and Identity; FYS 101: Contemporary Identities: Autobiography and Comics (with Ron Abram); FYS 101: Toni Morrison’s Novels
  • HONORS 167: Twentieth-Century Literary and Performing Arts: Roots in Blues and Jazz (with April Berry)
  • ENGLISH 202: Introduction to Literary Studies: Literary Theory and Critical Methods
  • ENGLISH 237: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENGLISH/BLACK STUDIES 255: Ethnic Literature
  • BLACK STUDIES 235: Introduction to Black Studies
  • ENGLISH/BLACK STUDIES/WOMEN’S STUDIES 325: African American Women’s Novels
  • ENGLISH 326: Contemporary Native American Literature
  • ENGLISH/BLACK STUDIES 355: The Harlem Renaissance
  • ENGLISH/BLACK STUDIES 356: Narratives of Slavery
  • ENGLISH 400: Toni Morrison and Black Feminist Theory; ENGLISH 400: Literary Criticism; ENGLISH 400: Race and the American Literary Imagination; ENGLISH 400: From Theory to Fiction: Literary Theory and the Novels of Louise Erdrich and Toni Morrison; ENGLISH 400: Rewriting America: Race, Gender, History, and Power in Toni Morrison’s Novels



Selected Publications:

  • “From Mysteries to Manidoos: Language and Transformation in Louise Erdrich’s The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse.” Western American Literature, forthcoming.
  • “Blackness and Art in Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby.” Contemporary Literature 49.2 (Summer 2008): 262-291.
  • “Tar is Art: Blackness and the Power of Fiction in Tar Baby.” The Fiction of Toni Morrison: Teaching and Writing on Race, Identity, and Culture. Ed. Jami L. Carlacio. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2007. 77-84.
  • “Reading and Insight in Toni Morrison’s Paradise.” African American Review 36 (2002): 21-34.
  • “Native Designs: Silko’s Storyteller and the Reader’s Initiation.” Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Louise K. Barnett and James L. Thorson. Albuquerque NM: U of NM Press, 1999. 63-86.
  • “Reading in the Dark: Knowledge and Vision in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon.” Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Toni Morrison. Ed. Nellie Y. McKay and Kathryn Earle. New York: MLA, 1997. 106-112.
  • “‘To Understand This World Differently’: Reading and Subversion in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Storyteller.” Critical Visions: Contemporary North American Native Writing. Ed. Jeanne Perreault and Joseph Bruchac. Ariel 25 (1994): 89-113.
  • “Dead Teachers: Rituals of Manhood and Rituals of Reading in Song of Solomon.” Toni Morrison. Ed. Nancy J. Peterson. Modern Fiction Studies 39 (1993): 551-574.
  • “The Ghosts of Slavery: Historical Recovery in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” African American Review 26 (1992): 395-408.
  • “The Web of Stories: Reading and Change in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Storyteller.” All of Us Remembering: New Perspectives on Leslie Marmon Silko’s Storyteller.  Ed. Catherine Rainwater, 115-131. University of NM Press, 2016.


Professional Service (includes Denison Service)
  • Director of Black Studies (2013-2016)
  • Lorena Woodrow Burke Chair of English (2010-2015)
  • Chair of Homestead Advisory Board (2000-2005, 2008-present)
  • Chair of the Faculty (2011-2012)
  • Chair of English (2007-2010)
  • Co-Chair of MLK Day of Learning Committee (2002-2004)


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