Charles Édouard St-Georges
Charles St-Georges is a native of rural southern Arizona. He grew up doing theatre (participating in more than 40 plays) and began his academic career studying theatre before his intellectual curiosity led him to languages and cultures. During his undergraduate studies, he completed a major in Spanish and a minor in Russian, after which he found work as an interpreter in various fields including healthcare and insurance.
Charles then went on to pursue two masters degrees: one in Spanish language and culture, and one in French linguistics. He taught grammar and literature courses at Arizona State University while completing his Ph.D. in Spanish cultural studies. Since coming to Denison, Charles has taught in Spanish, Queer Studies, and French, and has served as Production Editor for the academic journal Chasqui before being named Acting Interim Editor. He has published on cinema and literature from both Latin America and Spain in a variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and his recent monograph.
Learning & Teaching
- SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II
- SPAN 211 Intermediate Spanish
- SPAN 213 Communication Skills
- SPAN 230 Intro to Hispanic Cultures
- SPAN 322 Transatlantic (topic: queer themes in Hispanic cinemas)
- SPAN 325 Survey of Latin American Literature (topic: performance and identity)
- SPAN 335 Survey of Latin American Cultures (topics: cinema and human rights; nation building in Mexican cinema)
- SPAN 435 Seminar in Latin American Cultures (topic: cinema, gender, sexuality, and power)
- SPAN 440 Hispanic Transatlantic Culture (topic: bad girls in Hispanic cinemas)
- QS 101 Intro to Queer Studies
- FREN 362 Directed Study (summer program in Martinique)
Charles's research mainly focuses on the intersections between normative discourse and representations of time in (usually filmic) narratives from the Hispanic world. He is particularly concerned with the relationship between Western historicism and the persistent use of ghosts and specters to represent historical injustice in Latin American and Peninsular film. Recently, he has opened a secondary line of research comparing shifting processes of racialization of French Canadians and Mexican Americans in the Northeastern and Southwestern United States in the early twentieth century.
- Haunted Families and Temporal Normativity in Hispanic Horror Films: Troubling Timelines. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.
Book Chapters
- La violencia de la familia y la (re)productividad: encuentros inquietantes para el sueño americano en Los inocentes (2016). Encuentros fortuitos: agencialidad en conflicto y poder en movimiento, edited by Jorge González del Pozo and Inela Selimović, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2023, pp. 161-86.
- “Making Peace with Ghosts in Sanctuaries of the Heart.” La Plonqui: Essays on Margarita Cota-Cárdenas’s Life, Fiction, and Poetry, edited by Jesús Rosales and Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez, University of Arizona Press, 2023, pp. 175-90.
- “The Literalization of Trauma’s Specter and the Problematization of Time in Aparecidos.” Espectros: Ghostly Hauntings in Contemporary Transhispanic Narratives. Ed. Alberto Ribas-Casasayas and Amanda Petersen. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2015. 85–99.
- “Zombies as Temporal Critique: Sudor frío (2010) and Generations of Youth in Post-Dictatorship Argentina.” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 39 (2021): 1-23.
- “Queer Temporalities in Mariana Rondón’s Bad Hair/Pelo malo (2013).” Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 15.3 (2018): 293-310.
- “Mexicanidad as Race, Gender, and Neoliberal Ideology in Patricia Riggen’s La misma luna/Under the Same Moon (2008).” The Latin Americanist 62.1 (2018). 80-98.
- “Brazilian Horrors Past and Present: José Mojica Marins and Politics as Reproductive Futurism.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 25 (2016): 555-70.
- “El espectro de la realidad en dos novelas de Manuel Mujica Láinez.” Confluencia 29.2 (2014): 116-28.
- “Cosas de mujeres: La demarcación de lo líquido como espacio femenino en Kilómetro 31.” Polifonía 2 (2012): 57–67.
Encyclopedia Entries
- “Cinema, Latin American (Early Twentieth Century).” Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. Ed. Howard Chiang. Farmington Hills: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2019. 347–351.
- Rev. of Selimović, Inela. Affective Moments in the Films of Martel, Carri, and Puenzo. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 54.2 (2020): 552-54.
- Rev. of De Castro, Juan. Writing Revolution: From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño. Chasqui 49.1 (2020). R26-28.
- Rev. of Rodríguez, Carina. El cine de terror en Argentina: producción, distribución, exhibición y mercado. Imagofagia 11 (2015). Web.
- Rev. of Subero, Gustavo. Queer Masculinities in Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Male Bodies and Narrative Representations. Imagofagia 10 (2014). Web.
- Rev. of Vázquez, David J. Triangulations: Narrative Strategies for Navigating Latino Identity. Chasqui 41.2 (2012): 255-57.
- Rev. of Podalsky, Laura. The Politics of Affect and Emotion in Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico. Imagofagia 6 (2012). Web.
- Rev. of Elsaesser, Thomas and Malte Hagener. Film theory: an introduction through the senses. Imagofagia 4 (2011). Web.
- Grant Recipient, Pragda, $1,000 for Spanish Film Club at Denison University, May 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018
- Recipient of Dean’s Fellowship, School of International Letters & Cultures, Arizona State University, 2012
- Recipient of Graduate and Professional Students’ Association Conference Travel Grant, Arizona State University, 2010-2012
- Recipient of Study Abroad Travel Grant, Arizona State University, 2011
- Recipient of Doctoral Student Program Fee Grant, Arizona State University, 2011
- Recipient of Doctoral Fellowship, School of International Letters & Cultures, Arizona State University, 2008-2012
- Recipient, 36th Annual Carlos and Guillermo Vigil Prize for best contribution to appear in Volume 39 (2021) of Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
- Finalist, Organizational Advisor of the Year, Denison University, May 2015
- Recipient of Letter of Gratitude from Denison Campus Governance Association, April 2014
- Recipient of Outstanding Student in French Linguistics Award (ASU), 2013
- Selectee for year-long Preparing Future Faculty program (ASU), 2011 (completed 2012)
- Recipient of Portuguese Award, School of International Letters and Cultures (ASU), 2011
- Recipient of ASU Devils’ Advocates Apple Polisher Award for Teaching Excellence (ASU), 2010