Career Center

Information for students regarding Knowlton Center appointments, cancellations, and no-show policies

Admission & Financial Aid | Financial Aid | Student Accounts | Your Finances

This policy prohibits conflicts of interest involving student financial aid and establishes employee conduct around student financial aid.

Admission & Financial Aid | Financial Aid | Student Accounts | Your Finances

This policy prohibits conflicts of interest involving student financial aid and establishes standards of conduct for employees.

Student Conduct | Student Life | Title IX

The Student Code provides general notice of the expectations Denison has for students and to articulate the college's procedures for resolving violations.

Advising, Tutoring & Academic Support

No qualified student with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in programs, services or activities of Denison University.

Registrar | Student Accounts | Your Finances

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.

Your Finances

A policy describing the return of Title IV Funds for any student who withdraws from Denison University.


Info for students who reside in on-campus housing on the college's required notifications after a student is deemed to be missing

Human Resources

A statement of Denison's non-discrimination policy

Policy on Firearms

Admission & Financial Aid | Financial Aid | Student Accounts | Your Finances

Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to receive and continue to be eligible for financial aid.

Advising, Tutoring & Academic Support | Curriculum | Student Conduct

Denison is committed to making all aspects of the institution a community characterized by honesty, integrity, and responsibility.

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