‘The Prenatal Origins of Perceptual and Social Development’
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The Kantor Lecture Series welcomes Florida International University professor Robert Lickliter presenting Exploring the Prenatal Origins of Perceptual and Social Development.”
Lickliter conducts research on the development of intersensory perception in animal and human infants, with a particular interest in the role of selective attention in perceptual processing, learning, and memory. His research also focuses on the influence of prenatal sensory stimulation on neural, physiological, and behavioral development. His theoretical efforts have addressed the assumptive base of the nature-nurture debate, the role of experience in development, the relations between developmental and evolutionary theory, and the history of developmental thinking in biology and psychology.
The J.R. Kantor Memorial Lecture brings eminent psychologists to campus for several days to offer lectures to the college community as well as to the psychology department, and to meet with students.
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