The A-Quad is our public square, and we want to make it friendlier and more functional. So a group of students, faculty and staff were tasked with answering a question: How do we recreate the A-Quad in ways that encourage community and social interactions? The answer is a three phase design project that will be implemented over the next few summers. Phase I, described below, was completed this summer.

Phase I comprised reworking the entrance steps to Fellows; replacing the sidewalks between Fellows and Higley as well as some others south of Slayter; and building a curved seat wall just south of the existing concrete flag pole area. 

This wall will frame the community space, which will be the focus of Phase II. Phase II will occur during the summer of 2018, and will include replacing the flag pole concrete area and the entrance to Slayter, adding additional seating and interaction areas. 

Phase III will occur in the summer of 2019, and will extend the brick Chapel Walk along the front of Knapp and Higley to the Library. 

August 23, 2017