Early Career Faculty (Second-year Through Tenure-review Year)

This faculty learning community addresses the goals and interests of early career faculty (second-year through tenure-review year) as they continue to develop, practice, and evaluate their teaching methods and skills. Participants will generate ideas and specific questions about teaching and learning that have direct relevance to courses that they are teaching or expect to teach in the near future.

Brief reading selections for each meeting will be drawn from Ken Bain’s What the Best College Teachers Do and articles on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Feedback and comments from faculty who have participated in the FLC over the past four years revealed the important role it had in the development of their teaching perspectives and strategies; in addition, participants frequently mentioned the value of a collaborative and supportive relationship among the group that was sustained over the course of the year.

This faculty development opportunity is coordinated by Katy Crossley-Frolick (Department of Political Science) and Linda Krumholz (Departments of English and Black Studies).