Academics Philosophy, Politics & Economics What's Happening What's Happening Get the latest news and updates related to Philosophy, Politics & Economics at Denison University. Navigate Philosophy, Politics & Economics About Degree Requirements Courses Alumni & Careers Faculty & Staff - All - Awards & Honors 2023 Awards & HonorsMaddy Murphy '23 honored with the 2023 Kussmaul AwardMaddy Murphy is winner of the 2023 Kussmaul Friendship Award for her contributions to “the friendly relations between the village and college.”Date: May 11, 2023 2020 Awards & HonorsPPE major Ben Cross '20 wins President's MedalBen Cross '20, a Political Science, Philosophy and Economics major, was awarded Denison's President's Medal, the college's highest student honor.Date: May 4, 2020 Awards & HonorsBen Cross ’20, winner of the NCAA Postgraduate ScholarshipBen Cross has been named a fall recipient of the prestigious NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship, a $10,000 graduate program award.Date: February 27, 2020
Denison Magazine Learning grand strategy from a master In a course taught by military strategist Scott Smitson, students explore theory, policy, partnerships, and other tools to solve wicked problems.
Learning grand strategy from a master In a course taught by military strategist Scott Smitson, students explore theory, policy, partnerships, and other tools to solve wicked problems.
How to solve childhood poverty Economics professor Andrea Ziegert's new book offers a glimpse of a hopeful future.
Denison Magazine The ON Switch Conversations with faculty about what it means to teach — and to trigger those amazing moments of illumination
Post-grad Scholarship Leads to Law School Ben Cross '20 is headed to law school with a $10,000 scholarship, thanks to his outstanding efforts in the classroom and on the field.
How We Live Connecting Two Worlds Sueshin “Sarah” Moon ’22 has made it her mission to enhance the Denison experience for her fellow international students.
How We Learn The 'spectre' of Marxism Marx's wide influence across disciplines was celebrated during a two-day event.
How We Learn Three disciplines: Exponential Philosophy, political science and economics major Antrim Ross '16 shares her thoughts on her major.
Where We Go Thomas E. Skidmore '54 Harvard offered Thomas Skidmore '54 a post-doctoral fellowship in 1961 to change his history specialty to Modern Latin America.
In the News Michael Plowgian ’99 rejoins KPMG from the US treasury department At the Treasury, tax specialist Plowgian, then deputy assistant secretary for international tax affairs, served as a top US negotiator at the OECD. Read more
Awards & Honors Maddy Murphy '23 honored with the 2023 Kussmaul Award Maddy Murphy is winner of the 2023 Kussmaul Friendship Award for her contributions to “the friendly relations between the village and college.” Read more
President's Medalists Madeleine Murphy ’23: President’s Medalist “What surprised me while we were playing high-level music I felt the emphasis was not on perfection — it was on learning to be a lifelong creative.” Read more