Goodspeed Lecture: 'Identity Politics as Postcolonial Agency in Biblical Studies?'

The Goodspeed Lecture Welcomes Tat-Siong Benny Liew.

Notice: this information is for a past event.
Ticket Info: Free

The Goodspeed Lecture welcomes Class of 1956 Professor in New Testament Studies at the College of the Holy Cross Tat-Siong Benny Liew, presenting, “Identity Politics as Postcolonial Agency in Biblical Studies?”

Liew is the author of “Politics of Parousia” (Brill, 1999), and “What Is Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics?” (University of Hawaii Press, 2008). In addition, he is the editor of the Semeia volume on “The Bible in Asian America” (with Gale Yee; SBL, 2002), “Postcolonial Interventions” (Sheffield Phoenix, 2009), “They Were All Together in One Place?” (with Randall Bailey and Fernando Segovia; SBL 2009), “Reading Ideologies” (Sheffield Phoenix, 2011), “Psychoanalytical Mediations between Marxist and Postcolonial Readings of the Bible” (with Erin Runions; SBL, 2016), “Present and Future of Biblical Studies” (Brill, 2018), and “Colonialism and the Bible: Contemporary Reflections from the Global South” (with Fernando Segovia; Lexington, 2018). Liew is also the Series Editor of T&T Clark’s Study Guides to the New Testament (Bloomsbury).

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