Goodspeed Lecture Series: Becky Thompson

Goodspeed Lecture Series: Becky Thompson presenting "Born to Belonging"

Notice: this information is for a past event.
Ticket Info:

Denison University’s Goodspeed Lecture Series welcomes Becky Thompson presenting her lecture “Born to Belonging”: Transnational Feminist Alliances.

In her talk, Thompson focuses on recent transnational activism on women’s issues that sees beyond nation and distance to create a new politics of possibilities.

Thompson teaches Sociology at Simmons University. She is a scholar, activist and poet. She is the author of many books including “Teaching with Tenderness,” “Survivors on the Yoga Mat,” “When the Center is on Fire,” “A Promise and a “Way of Life.” Her most recent book is the new “Making Mirrors: Righting/Writing by and for Refugees.”

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