We sustain a diverse community. Denison's Class of 2024 is from 40 states & 23 countries
students of color
international students
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Students chatting at Slayter
Multicultural students
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs supports Denisonians from a range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds in finding a home here on The Hill. We encourage dialogue with voices across spectrums. We are stronger through our diversity.

Discover new points of view

At Denison you'll find friends and mentors who help you see the world through different eyes. You'll be challenged to learn and grow.
You can build your new family
160+ student organizations to choose from
Because we're from all walks of life, Denisonians bring a huge range of interests and knowledge to campus. You can build your own family by choosing from more than 160 student organizations. Keep your current interest alive - or find your next move.
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