What is an all-gender restroom? Chances are you’ve used one and didn’t even realize it. These restrooms typically consist of a single stall, sometimes a urinal, and a door that latches. These restrooms only differ from most public restrooms in that they are not designated men’s or women’s — they are available to people of all genders. All-gender restrooms are helpful for people who require privacy to maintain medical devices, those who need assistance or assist others using the restroom, and people of all genders.

Denison has many all-gender restrooms, in buildings such as the Library, Samson Talbot Hall, and Slayter Student Union. Consistent signage on all campus restrooms designated “all-gender” helps people gain privacy and autonomy.

Standardizing all-gender restrooms on campus makes the campus community more inclusive of people who identify as transgender and/or gender non-conforming, as well as those who require privacy for medical reasons.

August 7, 2018