Denison annually recognizes graduating seniors who have demonstrated exemplary leadership and service to the University through their involvement in student organizations, in co-curricular activities, on Denison’s staff, and as athletes and scholars. Nominations of deserving students are made by faculty, staff, and student peers. In selecting the recipients, we look for evidence of an enduring commitment to enhancing the quality of life in our community. The students we honor today have made a clear, noticeable and lasting impact on Denisonians’ lives through their leadership efforts.

B.A. Economics and B.A. Political Science
- Denison Campus Governance Association, Vice President, Finance Chair
- Residential Communities, Head Resident
- Denison Community Association Girl Scouts, Chair
You know well that to be an effective leader on our campus, relationships matter. You have led alongside peers in many settings, on campus and off: DCGA, as CA and HR in Residential Communities, in Kappa Alpha Theta, and in University governance. Since your first year on campus, you have sought out others and expressed interest in learning about their backgrounds and interests. A natural byproduct of your genuine interest has been that you’ve gained clarity about student ideas for change and you have led good work on a variety of campus improvements.
You have not declined challenges, even when you knew they would test you. But the hardest of these taught you how to engage difficult conversations, learn about difference, find common ground, and move ideas into action. You reflected that your experiences at Denison taught you that mistakes can be gifts that offer deeper understanding than you might otherwise have achieved. They have also made you, in the eyes of others, astute and humble and kind. We respect you deeply and thank you for your contributions.

B.S. Physics
- Adytum Yearbook, Editor-in-Chief
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Fellow
- University Communications, Writer
You wrote in your reflection that “passion, and the ability to spark passion in others, are the key ingredients to a successful leader.” By this measure of success, you have indeed been a distinguished leader. You have achieved a stratospheric GPA, while serving as a passionate and humble role model for others. As a tutor, you made it your goal to deepen others’ learning, and you have shared your passion for Physics and Astronomy with younger children as a leader in Denison’s science outreach program.
As Editor in Chief of Adytum for the past four years, your tireless leadership has resulted not only in a meticulous record of your era but also in the cultivation of the next generation of Adytum leaders. We owe you a debt of gratitude, the Adytum advisor reminded us, you were unusually skilled in compiling “research, images and words to tell future generations who we were.”
Your plan is to teach college-level physics. We can only imagine the passion you will bring to the classroom, your fortunate students, and, perhaps, as advisor to the yearbook!

B.S. Physics and B.A. Mathematics
- Society of Physics Students, President, Secretary
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Fellow, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Researcher
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fellow
You have a passion for physics that is reflected in the quality of your academic work and your leadership as a Denison student. Not many students have their professors say that they are “a star in the classroom and lab.” Nor do many students make such a strong impression on their professors through their leadership in their major department.
And yet, your professors express deep admiration for your work as the leader of the Women in Science group, Co-President of the Society in Physics and organizer of outreach programming for the Physics Department. Your willingness to include others in your passion and to help them find success within your field is valued and appreciated by them. And Jane, they are certainly appreciated by us too.

B.A. History
- August Orientation, Coordinator
- Varsity Men’s Swimming and Diving
- Phi Alpha Theta, Treasurer
During your four years at Denison, your excellence as a long-distance swimmer has been recognized with three individual All-American awards. Today we recognize what you have also accomplished outside of the pool. You describe yourself as a “quiet, but effective leader,” and we agree. One of your recommenders stressed the value of your mentorship of teammates, noting that it often “takes place quietly, subtly and most often without fanfare or spotlight,” but stands out when one “measures the positive growth of those with whom [you] interact.” The same can be said of you as a member of the August Orientation staff.
While you are willing to let others have the spotlight, it is your mentorship of entering students and your Aug O staff peers that stands out. Thank you for inspiring us as we watch you in the pool, but especially thank you for inspiring so many Denisonians when you were outside of it.

B.A. Psychology
- Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Academic Chair
- Big Brother Big Sister, Volunteer
- Department of Psychology, Fellow
A strong commitment to mentorship and care for others has been your signature since freshman year. You role-model positive self-image and teach effective study strategies to your peers and mentees through involvement in Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Newark and for the last two summers, you have served as a behavioral aide and summer counselor to vulnerable children in Cleveland and in Massachusetts.
On campus, your leadership in the Multicultural Greek Council and Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity Incorporated has helped members better align their values with the missions of their organizations. Your calming presence and thoughtful suggestions have improved lines of communication and programming for the Greek community.
You are a connector. You have a special gift for bringing people together to achieve much more than they could alone. Denison is so thankful that you will have the opportunity to provide support to high-schoolers as a City Year AmeriCorps member after graduation. We are certain that your work, your model, and your mentorship will inspire and support the success of young people. We are very proud to call you a Denisonian.

B.A. Anthropology/Sociology
- Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc., President
- Denison Film Society, Vice President
- August Orientation, Group Leader, Team Captain, Co-Coordinator
You write in your reflection that the saying, “Leaders are born, not made,” isn’t true of you, and that you had to learn to be a leader. That you did learn is unquestionable, as you served as a charter member of your sorority and navigated an intensive, year-long approval process before agreeing to serve as president of Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. You have served as a leader in Multicultural Greek Council, DU Lead, and as an August O staff member for two years before being selected as the Orientation’s Coordinator.
One of your nominators writes, that as impressive as your leadership resume is, these roles tell only part of your story. “Anyone who meets Trixie” he wrote, will quickly recognize the incredible compassion, positivity, and altruism with which she has changed not just these organizations, but each person she meets.” If you needed to learn leadership, you learned it well. Your influence has a created a community that is more welcoming, hopeful and inclusive. You will be truly and deeply missed.

B.A. Anthropology/Sociology and B.A. Economics
- Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc.
- Paving the Way, Each One Reach One Pre-Orientation, Co-coordinator, Ambassador, and Mentor
- Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement, Student Administrative Assistant
As a long-standing member of the Paving the Way Pre-Orientation staff, you have served Denison with honor and integrity. As PTW co-coordinator, you introduced scores of new students to the academic rigor and resources, ethnic and cultural identities, and personal development opportunities that awaited them in college. You reimagined program elements with the same level of thoughtful care that a seasoned professional would. Your focused and intentional leadership provided an example to new students of what a Denison student leader looks like and can accomplish.
A double-major in anthropology/sociology and economics, you’ve brought breadth and thoughtful attention to understanding educational, racial and cultural disparities in our society. Whether serving as a teaching assistant in survey research methods or facilitating a dialogue on campus climate, you bring your whole self to the task at hand. You are a committed community member and burgeoning change maker. It was no surprise that you were snapped up for a job early in your senior year, and we will watch with great pride and anticipation for the positive ways you will impact other organizations as you have done at Denison.

B.A. Environmental Studies
- Campus Leadership & Involvement Center, Student Fraternity & Sorority Assistant
- DUwop Co-ed A Capella Group, President
- Denison University Sustainability Committee, DCGA Student Representative
Aristotle is credited with having said that “knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom.” You know of yourself that your positivity is a source of resilience and a way of tapping into your creativity. You value empathy and the opportunity to connect with others, as you’ve done through DU Lead, STRETCH and Leadershape, through your work in CLIC, through August O and with DUWop, and as a formative voice in the Red Frame Lab.
You wrote that not everyone appreciates the power of positivity—that some see it as evidence of lack of substance. This is not the view of your peers, who write about your work ethic, and your passion for social and public policy issues like housing access, and issues of sustainability and ecological policy. They write of your bold and adventurous spirit and your ability to change the mood of a room with your presence.
Your ability to smile even in moments of fear and sadness reveals deep inner strength and surely also wisdom.

B.A. Economics
- Department of Economics, Fellow
- Denison Enterprises, VP of Project Management
- Knowlton Center for Career Exploration, Peer Advisor
You hit the ground running as a first-year, intent on taking the fullest advantage of your time at Denison. In these four years, you’ve served as an RA and Economics tutor, led a Denison Enterprises initiative, and been a Senior Class Gift Committee member, showing an unusual breadth of involvement. But you’ve also dug deep. Your approach to securing your very first internship, preparing for the RA selection process, and involving yourself in case competitions, made you a shoo-in for Knowlton Center Peer Advisor.
Your caring attitude, attention to detail, and ability to provide solid, substantive advice helped many dozens of students. Further, the perspectives and suggestions you offered the Knowlton team informed and improved their work. As a consistent member of the case competition teams, you have emerged as a leader not only through your skills and knowledge but because of your desire to constantly improve, which inspires and motivates others.
In discovering all that college had to offer, you also showed all you had to give, Rachel. We are grateful for the ways you have embraced this experience.

B.S. Biology and B.A. Psychology
- Denison Community Association, President, Treasurer
- Denison Service Orientation, Co-Coordinator, Staff Leader
- Denison University Biological Society, President, Vice-President, Secretary
Poised, self-assured, and energetic, from the first moment you stepped on campus, it was clear you would change us forever. As President of DCA, you’ve proactively identified processes and opportunities to improve, strengthening the organization. Your academic focus, personal integrity, and unwavering enthusiasm set an extraordinary model for the countless entering first-years you’ve inspired as Tour Guide, Senior Interviewer, Denison Service Orientation Leader, Peer Mentor, and DU Lead Club Advisor. And it’s not just younger students you impact.
Watching you in action, your peers say, has shown them a model of the kind of Denisonian they want to be and strive to emulate.
While your contributions across campus are many, you’ll be remembered for the uniquely Haley way you do and the way you hold yourself—with extraordinary grace, humility, and kindness. Haley, you have been both a model and a force of positive change on campus, and we are indebted to you for the indelible mark you have left on countless Denisonians, inspiring them by your example.

B.A. Political Science
- Denison Campus Governance Association, Speaker of the Senate
- Residential Communities, Head Resident
- Denison Venture Philanthropy, President
“People will forget what you said or did, but they never forget how you made them feel.” We don’t know who first said that, but we know it applies to you. You are authentically empathetic, compassionate, inclusive and considerate, providing a warm welcome to first-year students at Aug-O, a listening ear to your residents as an RA, helping to charter a new fraternity as Interfraternity Council President, and even creating DCGA legislation to foster a more representative Senate.
You worked diligently to transform Denison through your contributions to the Denison Coalition for Sexual Respect. Through your prolific writing for the 127 blog, you have queried student opinion on a wide range of subjects. You dive deep on matters of substance. You’ve taken risks and sometimes championed unpopular opinions, but always acted with integrity.
Those close to you say you offer your time freely as a friend, peer, and mentor to others. Although you have held many formal positions on campus, your greatest service may have been in activity outside of these, and the ways you influenced others’ experience of Denison. We won’t forget how you made us feel. Thank you.

B.A. Political Theology
- Religion Department, Fellow, Teaching Assistant
- Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, Interfaith Fellow
- Black Studies Center, Teaching Assistant
You have immersed yourself in faith communities on and off the hill, chairing Denison’s Interfaith Council, serving as a ministerial intern with the United Church of Granville, and assisting as a fellow in the Religion Department. As Interfaith Fellow in The Open House, you helped to restore Denison’s Interfaith Council, to unite religious groups, and to build programs to foster spiritual well-being. As a TA, you are heralded for your ability to discuss pedagogy with great nuance and startling sophistication.
The Founder of the Denison Socialists, you helped your peers to develop a critical understanding of ideology and to articulate criticism in a positive and constructive way. At a time when ideological dogma can interfere with the spirit of collaboration, you have found purpose in connecting disparate groups through their common commitment.
A respected intellectual and celebrated activist, your Denison career has been characterized by a commitment to positive social change, providing a model for how to integrate faith, leadership, service, and social justice. Thank you.

B.A. Political Science
- Vegetarian Education Group, President, Co-founder
- Sustainability Office, Sustainability Fellow
- DCGA Dining Committee, Secretary
Your nominator wrote, “When I think about people in the graduating class who have embodied positive change, the highest integrity and strong leadership on campus, Leah comes to mind.” You are most known for your work in co-founding and serving as president of Vegetarian Education Group, VEG. You wrote that creating an organization that might have a lasting impact on the campus was a particular joy, in part because you saw that VEG created the space for close friendships that might otherwise just not have happened.
Your work to educate yourself and others about the health and environmental benefits of vegetarianism and veganism has also shaped your work as a Sustainability Fellow and a member of the Dining Committee. For better or worse, yours is one of the faces behind Meatless Mondays! You are known for your kind and generous spirit, and you have demonstrated a gift for creating spaces for collective, forward-looking action that responds to human need. We are grateful for the way you have graced our campus and left it a healthier and more mindful place.

B.A. Anthropology/Sociology
- Campus Climate Team, Chair
- Panhellenic Council, Vice President of Recruitment
- Campus Affairs Council, Member
Effervescent, selfless, and confident, your beaming smile and huge heart have made a lasting imprint on campus. As VP of Recruitment for Panhellenic Council, you poured countless hours into making sorority recruitment inclusive, increasing membership, and bolstering educational training. In your leadership of the Campus Climate Team, you fiercely advocated for a more respectful, safe, and inclusive campus, and on CAC, you took on extra duties and delivered results with excellence.
At Denison, you’ve held true to yourself and to your values, uplifted those around you, and unlocked the potential of your peers. Across each of your engagements, one theme remains central: through your kind heart, tenacious spirit, and social justice-orientation, you have worked tirelessly to create a more inclusive community. Your leadership is proof of the “progress principle” in which each small action has significant and long-lasting impact on the larger environment.
Through consistency and clarity of commitment, through small adjustments to our ways of working, and small but consistent acts of kindness, you have had an outsized impact on the entire Denison community. We’re really going to miss you.

B.A. Anthropology/Sociology and B.A. Spanish
- The Multicultural Greek Council, President, Treasurer
- Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc., Associate Member Educator, Assistant Associate Member, Educator, Social Chair
- Paving the Way Pre-Orientation, Ambassador
- First-year mentor
It seems that many people think this award was created so that you would one day receive it. You have held important leadership positions in Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc., the Multicultural Greek Council, and Paving the Way Pre-orientation. One of your nominators writes that you used these official leadership positions to make lasting positive impact that engages the community. But many of your contributions have been outside these official roles, like organizing a group to travel to Chicago last spring to join the Immigrants’ Rights March.
You are a person of beautiful complexity: a committed scholar whose experience is often not reflected in textbooks, an outspoken activist, a loving daughter, a fierce trailblazer, a devoted friend, a person who welcomes and includes all, and pushes the boundaries of comfort and knowledge. You have been, in the words of a nominator, a “radiant presence” and a more powerful inspiration and role model than you likely know.
A peer wrote, “Luceli is destined to make a change in the world.” You have made a remarkable start here at Denison. Thank you

B.A. History and B.A. Religion
- Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity, Inc. Zeta Chapter, Treasurer, Secretary
- Paving the Way Pre-Orientation, Ambassador
- NUFP, Fellow
You are regarded by many on this campus as a model to emulate. In the classroom, in your fraternity, and in your work as a Paving the Way Ambassador, you have been a model of a successful scholar and good friend, encouraging other students, and pointing them to resources and supports.
The words that your peers use in speaking of you—passionate, positive, professional, but also sweet, kind-hearted and caring—describe a person who understands the power of relationships and has the potential to improve the world by lifting up others. We are pleased that you won an undergraduate fellowship in student affairs and hope that you will use future professional opportunities to help others to thrive and grow into their best selves. Thank you for your contributions to Denison.

B.A. Environmental Studies
- Men’s Varsity Soccer, Captain
- Office of Admission, Senior Interviewer
- Denison Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG), Secretary
Some of us embrace leadership readily and some of us need a gentle nudge. For you, it was a nudge that pushed you to accept and lean into your role as team captain and develop your leadership skills on the field. Even while injured, you were able to lead from the sidelines. Coach Russo says that you were instrumental in creating a team culture that is positive, inclusive and transformational for all its members.
Your leadership on the field led to leadership in other areas as well. In the much sought-after role as senior interviewer and as secretary of the Diversity and Inclusion Group in the Denison Student Athlete Advisory Committee, you were able to grow and apply your leadership skills. You were actively involved in a number of campus-wide initiatives such as a photo campaign to curtail the use of harsh, bullying or inappropriate language to target students.
Your humble approach, positive attitude and ability to connect with those you are leading will serve you well as you pursue Environmental Law. Thank you for taking up the mantle of leadership while at Denison.

B.A. Environmental Studies
- Restorative Justice, Student Coordinator
- Denison Presbyterians, President
- Environmental Studies Program, Fellow, Teaching Assistant
You wrote in your reflection that you have found fulfillment in committing deeply to a small number of leadership roles. You have chosen to lead in arenas that matter to you, like your work with Denison Presbyterians and the ENVS academic program, and with initiatives that have significant impact on others. Across these, you have found ways to connect your personal values to the needs of the larger community.
You have been a driving force behind the expansion of Restorative Justice on our campus, driven by a conviction that harms could be mended through honest and direct conversations and the willingness to reflect and grow. As the student coordinator for RJ on campus, you have trained community members as facilitators and convened the circles that are foundational to the practice.
You wrote that being a leader is not always about being the loudest voice or having most votes. Sometimes, it is about being fully present, and being open to the surprises and the joy that comes with change and growth. That spirit has enabled you to lead lasting change at Denison. Thank you for your courage and your commitment.

B.A. Educational Studies
- Denison Community Association, Cabinet, Events Captain
One of your nominators writes that you continually demonstrate extraordinary personal drive and an innate passion for community service. The extraordinary number of hours you volunteered as a first-year student led to your selection as DCA Rookie of the Year, and then you went on to win Outstanding Sophomore Volunteer and Outstanding Junior Volunteer—an unprecedented trifecta. You have served in several different leadership roles within DCA, so that you have both provided direct service and facilitated the service of many others. As a result, you were chosen to receive the Newman Civic Fellow Award, a national award that recognizes students who have demonstrated a commitment in finding solutions for serious challenges facing communities throughout the country.
What you have accomplished is a reflection of who you are. One of your nominators writes that you are a person of great personal integrity, that your actions consistently match your words. You don’t seek the personal recognition you have nonetheless received. You embraced your time at Denison,” she wrote, “with a noble spirit and zealous positive energy that affected and inspired everyone you met.” Is there more we could say?

B.A. Political Science
- Denison Campus Governance Association, Vice President, Senator
- Office of Admission, Senior Interviewer
- Delta Gamma Fraternity
You embody what it means to be a Denisonian: high academic aspirations; sustained, high-level engagement with the campus community; and mindful citizenship. You have led in the College Republicans, The Committee on Residential Life, Delta Gamma, Honorary Societies, Admission and the First Year Office. You have been a DCGA senator for all four years, serving as Vice President as a sophomore, an unusual distinction.
You have been tested and challenged, and where some might have retreated, you instead steadied yourself on deeply held values of humility, kindness, the determination to listen and hear—all of which we call “grace.” You also advocated for accountability because of your strong convictions about service, and expectations that people and organizations—including the big ones, like governments—have an obligation to seek excellence in the interest of serving true need. You wrote that Denison has helped you link servant leadership to your sense of purpose in life. In so many ways and in so many places, we have been the beneficiary of that discovery, and we thank you.

B.A. Environmental Studies and B.A. International Studies
- Pre-Orientation for Students Coming from Abroad, Co-Coordinator, Staff
- Asian Culture Club, President, Event Chair
- Dining Committee, Chair, PR
Thank you for your leadership as President of Asian Culture Club, as Dining Committee Chair, Modern Languages Teaching Assistant, and staff member within the Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement. You have been an outstanding contributor to the International Student Services Office and the Pre-Orientation Program for Students Coming from Abroad, serving in multiple roles since your sophomore year, and as Co-Coordinator this year.
You have shown tremendous initiative and leadership in each of your positions. As Chair of the Dining Committee, you led with poise through the challenging process of creating a new meal plan structure. You earned the respect of fellow students for the ways you brought forward students’ concerns in a calm and deliberate manner.
Your nominators say that your success has come because you build meaningful relationships, because you are mature beyond your years, and you can be counted on in any circumstance. You have chosen with care the places where you would make your mark, and your imprint will be visible long after your graduation. Thank you.

B.A. Communication
- Black Student Union, Chief Minister, Minister of Affairs
- Tehillah Gospel Acapella Group, President, Musical Director
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Pi Kappa Chapter, President, Vice President
You care deeply about leaving Denison better than you found it, especially for students of color. You wrote that you were taken under the wings of others, and your peers make clear that you are both a model and a mentor to those coming after you.
As the President of Tehillah and of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Chief Minister of the Black Student Union, your well-earned success rests on three qualities.
First, you are bold—direct, honest and level-headed in addressing issues, whether those are disputes between individuals or institutional practices that must change. You name things, and then commit yourself to finding solutions. Second, despite the demands on your time and energy, you are tireless and optimistic. “She is NEVER late and she NEVER complains.” And third, “She is the type of person who does favors for other people, but never in a million years would expect one in return.”
The word “humility” comes up repeatedly, couched always in deep respect for who you are. This award recognizes that you have done what you set out to do here, Khadijah, and you leave Denison a better place. Thank you.

B.A. English Literature and B.A. Theatre
- Denison Independent Theatre Association, President, Historian
- Denison Advocates for Sexual Health (DASH), Treasurer
- Office of Admission, Senior Interviewer and Transportation Coordinator
Warm, amiable, and considerate, you stand out from the crowd. Whether as DU Lead Club Advisor or Senior Interviewer and Transportation Coordinator on the Admission team, your name is synonymous with maturity, dependability, and commitment.
Co-founding Denison Advocates for Sexual Health, you helped to raise awareness of sexual respect and wellness among your peers and helped to change conversations about wellness and safety on campus. As President of Denison Independent Theatre Association, you initiated discussions about inclusion within the arts and helped the organization become more collaborative and, ultimately, more creative.
You consistently advocate for the importance of the arts, and you have woven this commitment into your involvement up-hill and down-hill. Your peers look to you as a model, and one nominator writes that what truly distinguishes you from others is your openness and willingness to engage, which rests in confidence. We are grateful for the extraordinary human being that you are, for being sensitive to those around you, and for pressing the boundaries of what is, to see what might be.

B.A. Economics and B.A. Mathematics
- Women’s Varsity Volleyball, Captain
- Denison Student-Athlete Advisory Council, Vice President
- Mathematics and Economics Departments, Fellow
You write in your reflection that you have learned the importance of leading by example. We think you have learned that lesson well. Because of your work ethic on the court and your enthusiastic support and effective mentorship of your teammates, you have captained the volleyball team the past two years. Your teammates and coaches emphasize your willingness to have uncomfortable, but necessary conversations to support teammates and to challenge them to strive for excellence.
It is not surprising that you are also the current Vice President of the Denison Student Athletic Advisory Council. At the same time, you have led by example in the classroom, excelling academically as an economics major, and receiving recognition as a Top 50 Scholar Athlete and a Forbes B. Wiley award winner in math and computer science.
One of your recommenders wrote that you are the model of all the fine qualities we call to mind when say “Denison scholar-athlete.” Thank you for bringing your best to so many elements of campus life, and for presenting a model of excellence in each.

B.A. Educational Studies and B.A. Psychology
- Denison Advocates for Sexual Health (DASH), Founder and President
- The Leadership Fellows, LeaderShape and D.U. Lead Program Coordinator
- Office of Admission, Senior Interviewer and Hosting Coordinator
You have demonstrated exceptional leadership and service as a program coordinator for DU Lead, a Leadership Fellow, Admissions hosting coordinator and Senior Interviewer.
Your nominators point to significant contributions in each of these areas, but especially to your work to co-found and lead Denison Advocates for Sexual Health (DASH). You’re not the first student to see a need regarding sexual health education, but you are the first to have the drive, creativity, and collaborative spirit to design a solution. In this work, you invited multicultural and identity-based organizations, performing arts groups, and others to partner in programming that would appeal widely and engage all. DASH is not a vanity org that will end with your graduation. True to form, you have crafted something that will endure and continue its good work.
In each space where you have worked, you’ve injected a quiet but powerful energy and drive. As a result, you have won the respect and affection of us all, as well as the determination to see your good work carried forward. This is a testimony to your impact.

B.A. Computer Science and B.A. Mathematics
- Denison Gaming Guild, President, Treasurer
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fellow, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Researcher
- Kappa Kappa Gamma, Vice President of Academic Excellence
You have many attributes worthy of distinction: a near perfect GPA, a black-belt in Tae Kwon Do, excellent multilingual skills. Including Hungarian, and your success as a woman in two male-dominated fields of study, Math and Computer Science. However, you’ve inspired us the most in the ways you’ve leveraged your strengths to positively impact your community. The proof lies in those you have inspired.
As one nominator wrote, “Alivia has been a bright beacon of hope, a student citizen par-excellence, and a role model for other women taking up STEM fields at Denison.” You have touched lives as a tutor, a mentor to first-year students, and as the organizer of a group of women attending a national women-in-computing conference. But your own words about the way you approached the Gaming Guild say the most: “I love teaching games to younger members, organizing events the whole club can enjoy, and guiding the community as it grows and changes. Every obstacle and task is made easier by my underlying conviction that the community I’m doing it for is worth it.” We could say in return that “you get what you give,” and you have given a great deal.