A Family Film

September 18, 2013

When Denison English professor Kirk Combe was working on his sci-fi book, 2084, he often would run plot ideas by his son Clayton, who, at the time, had just graduated from Granville High.

When Clayton headed off to Oberlin College, Kirk kept at it, still calling on his technologically savvy son to help him iron out the technological aspects of his futuristic novel—a novel that tells the tale of a world in which capitalism and violence are allowed to thrive unchecked. Throughout the whole process, the father-son team kept saying to one another: This would make a really cool movie.

“The Feed” Behind the Scenes: Rik Cordero from The Feed.

Clayton graduated with a B.A. in cinema studies in 2007. Kirk’s book was published in 2009. And now that movie they always talked about is one shoot away from completion. This summer, Kirk will join his son in New York City to consult on the final scene of the short film The Feed, written by father and son, directed by Clayton, produced by Rik Cordero of Three/21 Films, and based on 2084. For more behind-the-scene videos of the short film, which will be submitted to film festivals this fall, visit The Feed on Vimeo.

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