Opportunities abound for Global Commerce students

Global Commerce
August 9, 2017

Global commerce students take advantage of opportunities to learn everywhere—on campus, in nearby Columbus, and around the world.

Last year, in addition to immersing themselves in studying both the fundamentals of economics and humanities subjects related to their chosen global region, they attended seminars and completed hands-on internships, both in the United States and abroad. Students even studied in a program for business majors in Paris.

The global commerce program enables students to blend the study of international commerce with the exceptional critical thinking and communication skills that come from a top-tier education in the liberal arts. Global commerce majors combine their knowledge of economics with a deep-seated understanding of a particular area of the world, preparing them to be the kinds of leaders needed to take on the challenges of the globalized world of twenty-first century businesses and NGOs.

“Because it is rooted in the humanities, our global commerce majors are prepared to think more deeply, more effectively, and more creatively than many of their peers when confronting problems and challenges regarding international commerce,” said program director Karen Spierling. “This means our Denison global commerce majors will be prepared to become leaders who can think creatively and critically.”

Our Denison global commerce majors will be prepared to become leaders who can think creatively and critically.

In 2016-2017, students took advantage of these opportunities and more:

  • An internship in China: After attending a Global Commerce “Lunch and Learn,” Jack Waters ’19 forged a relationship with local entrepreneur David Hirsh, which led to a valuable internship. Hirsh is the co-founder and president of the international import company, Atrium Buying Corporation, which works with national and international retail specialty brands such as Columbus-based companies Thirty-One Gifts and Victoria’s Secret to source high-quality merchandise. Waters met with Hirsh regularly and pursued a month-long internship in Shanghai with one of Hirsh’s logistics partners. Waters received a stipend from the China-based company, and he was able to live with a Denison roommate from China.
  • Americans in Paris: Denison sent seven students to Paris for a pilot study-abroad program, titled “Commerce in Context.” During the six-week course, based at the American University of Paris, students took an international business course and were led through an online business simulation. They competed against one another and other teams from around the world. As the co-managers of a simulated business, Rubatu Aifa ’18 and Simran Ali ’19 placed No. 1 out of 323 teams from 27 colleges and universities participating worldwide during the week of July 3-9. And as overall winners for the Denison team, Sylvie Manuel ’19 and Gabriela Perez ’20 have been invited to participate in the best strategy Invitational hosted by GLO-BUS.
  • Cincinnati Internship: Carter Loesch ’19 was chosen to participate in the selective Ohio Export Internship Program, which is jointly managed by the State of Ohio and Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and Youngstown State University. Loesch traveled to Columbus every Friday during the spring of 2017 to take a class in export fundamentals, which he followed up with an internship with Cincinnati Crane & Hoist in the summer of 2017. As an intern, Loesch’s applied theory to practice by establishing export relationships in Mexico for the firm and leading a national social media campaign. The OIEP has been in operation for six years and has benefitted the Ohio economy by contributing over $25 million export business. 
  • Research in Spain: Imani Holmes ’19 was selected as an Off-Campus Summer Scholar, funded through the Lisska Center. Holmes spent 8 weeks in Barcelona and Madrid researching African immigrants in the Iberian Peninsula. Holmes was also accepted into Modern Guild's Finance Summer Accelerator with Citi Bank. Although she was in Spain during this time, she was able to work via Skype with her mentor in this competitive program. Holmes credits her Modern Guild experience with allowing her to explore the finance industry as a potential career path and leading her to the realization that her preference resides with brand management, product development, or consulting. 
  • JASCO’s Economic Business Seminar in Columbus: Denison students volunteered with the Japan America Society of Columbus during their annual economic business seminar in November 2016. Global Commerce students provided support at the seminar helping at the registration table, with technology, and even with photography. As students completed their assignments, they were encouraged to mix and mingle with groups that included business professionals, executives, public service administrators and representatives from the Japanese Consulate and Honda. 
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