University News

Student receives award for community engagement

April 26, 2017

Ohio Campus Compact, a non-profit membership organization of 42 Ohio colleges and universities, has announced that Denison University senior Jacob Dennie, an economics major and a political science minor from Indianapolis, Ind., has been awarded a 2017 Charles J. Ping Student Service Award. This annual award recognizes and honors undergraduate students for their outstanding leadership and contributions to community service or service learning on their campus and within their community.

“Jake is an exceptionally gifted young man. However, it is the extraordinary degree to which he graciously shares his talents, time and energy in service of others that make him truly remarkable,” said Susie Kalinoski, associate director for the John W. Alford Center for Service Learning. “Jake’s natural compassion fuels his personal commitment to give of himself broadly and deeply. The stunning number of areas and organizations he contributes to is matched only by the degree of his commitment within each and every one.”

“Jake chaired two Denison Community Association committees: the American Red Cross Blood Drive and Denison Venture Philanthropy. He also served as a ‘Big’ in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Lunch Buddy program. He accepts large burdens or responsibility, assumes leadership positions, inspires those around him and drives meaningful, positive change. Jake Dennie has touched the lives of countless people. His generous contributions have left significant and lasting imprints on Denison University and the surrounding community.”

Serving as a Big Brother since spring semester 2014, Dennie has mentored the same student, addressing issues of bullying and toxic masculinity and serving as an empathetic and present listener.

“While I've served numerous organizations through my time, such as leading Denison Venture Philanthropy and working in the Denison Community Association office, my most impactful service experience doubtless has been serving as a ‘Big’ in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Lunch Buddies program,” said Dennie. “This mentorship experience has profoundly changed the life of my ‘Little,’ and has taught me empathy and understanding. While this experience is entirely one-on-one, I've brought the lessons I've learned back to the Denison community, and I know that others in the community have had similarly meaningful experiences.”

Ohio Campus Compact is a statewide non-profit coalition of college and university presidents and their campuses working to promote and develop the civic purposes of higher education. Ohio Campus Compact believes Ohio colleges and universities to be centers of civic engagement and renewal where all learning, teaching, and scholarship advance the public good and prepare students for active citizenship and democratic participation.

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