University News

Students honored with international scholarships in science

Fellowships & Student Research Study Abroad
October 12, 2016

Three Denison University students, Amanda Jack ’17, Max Meirow ’18, and Nathan Myers ’17, studied in Germany this past summer as part of the German Academic Exchange Service Research Internships in Science and Engineering program.

The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst — DAAD) is the largest funding organization in the world that supports the international exchange of students and scholars.

“We are thrilled that our students had this fantastic opportunity to study science in Germany this past summer,” said Professor Margot Singer, director of the Lisska Center for Scholarly Engagement. “Through global programs such as these, our students gain a breadth of knowledge and a professional network that extends far beyond the classroom. As they interact daily with people in a different language and culture, they are learning a diversity of thought that will be valuable to them over their professional lifetimes.”

DAAD programs help create goodwill and professional relationships that build a solid basis for relations between Germany and North America. DAAD scholarships are highly competitive and recipients are selected by independent selection committees on the basis of outstanding academic records and convincing project proposals or statements of purpose.

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