Diversity and inclusion are powerful acts that make a campus stronger. In fact, the Wall Street Journal has just published an article that points out the fact that the more diverse a company is, the stronger its bottom line. Denison is joining other colleges around the country to celebrate our first-generation faculty, students and staff during First-Gen Week, November 4-8.

Departments and offices across the campus are encouraged to recognize our first-gen peers and all they add to our experience as Denisonians. The Knowlton Center for Career Exploration made a first-gen proud banner that we invite departments to take a photo with. Stop by the Knowlton Center for Career Exploration on November 4 and 5 between 9am and 4pm to take the photo and send them to Anneke Mason to be featured during a first-gen event.

Tag your social media posts with #DenisonFirstGen and @DenisonU!

On Friday, November 8 (which is National First Gen Day) from 4-5PM in Knobel Hall, we will host a campus-wide celebration of first-gen students. You’re invited to that celebration.

October 31, 2019