Denison University is dedicated to student learning and to the development of ethically responsible persons who contribute to the development of strong communities, including on our own campus.

Inherent in this is the requirement that community members act not merely in response to their individual inclination, but also in accordance with shared values and principles. Every student who accepts the invitation to join the Denison community is expected to abide by the University’s policies and rules, and to report to the University when they observe others violating those rules.

The purpose of the Code of Student Conduct is to provide general notice of the expectations Denison has for its students and to articulate the University’s procedures for resolving violations. It is not written with the specificity of a criminal statute, but is instead rooted firmly in the core values articulated by our Campus Compact and based on the premise that each student should act with unconditional respect toward other person and their property.

View the most current version of the Denison University Code of Student Conduct

The version of the Code of Student Conduct linked above is the most current version of Denison’s Student Code and shall supersede any other version or language referenced from the Code which may be available elsewhere on Denison University’s website. Any questions about the most current version of the Code of Student Conduct should be directed to the Office of Community Values & Student Conduct.