DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – Former congressman and US ambassador Tony Hall was named the recipient of 2020 peace prize by the Dayton Peace Accords Anniversary Committee. 

Saturday marks the 25th anniversary of the peace accord that was reached at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1995. 

The US State Department led the negotiations that ended the Bosnian War. Hall, a Dayton native, was there. He is currently the executive director of the Alliance to End Hunger, and has been nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes. 

Hall says, “I’ve witnessed suffering caused by violence and war. Innocent people, often children, face starvation, they lose their homes, they lose their hope. In Dayton, we’ve showed the world a better way. We’ve brought people together. We gave them a perfect environment for thoughtful reflection and we built a path to peace.” 

Hall is one of only six people to be awarded the prize since 1996, among them former President Bill Clinton, the late ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.