Denison provides a wide range of services to foster a welcoming, inclusive, and flourishing experience for our students, faculty, and staff. By providing comprehensive support, we can help reduce inequalities, promote well-being, and enhance our community’s quality of life.
For students
- Center for Belonging & Inclusion
- Center for Spiritual Life
- Cross-Cultural Communities
- International students
- First Gen
- Outlook/LGBtQIA+
- Student Organizations / Get Involved
- Women in Business
- Men-of-color support group
- Diversity and Inclusion Athletic Advisory Group
- Lisska Center for Intellectual Engagement
- Accessibility/Disability Services
- Writing Center
- Tutoring (Academic Resource Center)
- Readiness and Inclusion in Science Education
- Career programs
- LGBTQIA+ career programs
- International student career programs
- Grants and fellowships for internships and research
- Red Thread Grants
- Study abroad funding
For faculty
- FOCIF (Faculty of Color/International Faculty)
- Black Caucus
- Women in Science
For faculty and staff
- Black Caucus (faculty and staff)
For alums
- Alumni Affinity Groups
- Black Alumni Association
- Pride (LGBTQ+) Alumni