Nausica Marcos Miguel

Nausica Marcos Miguel

Associate Professor
Position Type
- Present

The main focus on my research is to facilitate language learning, in particular, instructional practices and learning processes relative to learning morphology and vocabulary in the second language classroom. For me, integrating research with teaching practices is fundamental. For example, given our current knowledge about the significance of vocabulary depth, I aim for working on different areas of lexical knowledge in my classroom. Reciprocally, these teaching experiences inform my research. Knowing how decisive language textbooks are for instruction, I am further exploring their role and influence. 

My university career started at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where I pursued undergraduate studies in German Philology. My enthusiasm for language learning and teaching led me to complete my doctoral studies in Hispanic Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition at the University of Pittsburgh.

PhD Hispanic Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh; MA Hispanic Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh; B.A. (licenciatura) in German Philology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Learning & Teaching

  • Span 111: Beginning Spanish I
  • Span 211: Intermediate Spanish
  • Span 213: Spanish Oral and Written Abilities through Cinema Analysis
  • Span 215: Writing Workshop
  • Span 315: Grammar in Context: An Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
  • Span 316: Teletandem
  • Span 415: Seminar in Language: La lengua y sus aplicaciones
  • W101: Exploring Language
Academic Positions
  • 2015-present Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages, Denison University, OH
  • 2018-2019 Visiting Scholar, Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Españolas (ILCE), Universidad de Navarra, Spain
  • 2014-2015 Lecturer, Language Center, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • 2013-2014 Visiting Lecturer/Language Coordinator, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh, PA



Selected Publications

  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2021). Vocabulary instruction in an L2 culture course: The intersection of classroom discourse, materials, and instructor’s choices in lexical focus-on-form episodes. Classroom Discourse, 25(1-2), 35-55.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2021, online published). Vocabulary in Spanish L2 content-based courses: How do classroom elaborations provide a space for learning general and specialized vocabulary? The Language Learning Journal
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2021). Exploring tasks-as-process in Spanish L2 classrooms: Can corpus-based tasks facilitate language exploration, language use, and engagement? InJAL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(2), 211-228.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2020). Analyzing morphology-related strategies in Spanish L2 lexical inferencing: How do suffixes matter? IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(3), 351-377.
  • Sánchez-Gutiérrez, C. H., Marcos Miguel, N., & Olsen, M. (2019). An analysis of vocabulary coverage and lexical characteristics in L2 Spanish textbooks. In P. Ecke & S. Rott (Eds.) Understanding Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Implications for Language Program Development. American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Language Programs (AAUSC) Volume 2018. Cengage.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2018). Analyzing the relationship and development of proficiency, derivational knowledge, and vocabulary size in Spanish L2 learners. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 224-256.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2017). Instruction in derivational morphology in the Spanish L2 classroom: What do teachers believe and do? Konin Language Studies, 5(1), 37-60.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2016). Voluntad y viabilidad en la enseñanza de morfología léxica en el aula de español como L2. In S. Alcoba, C. Buenafuente, & G. Clavería (Eds.), Los lindes de la morfología (Vol. 37). Pontevedra: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2015). Textbook consumption in the classroom: Analyzing classroom corpora. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 198, 309-319.
  • Marcos Miguel, N. (2012). Grapho-morphological awareness in L2 Spanish: How do L2 learners use this metalinguistic skill? Language Awareness, 21(1-2), 195-211.


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