Educational Experience

The May Term internship is an educational experience for students interested in teaching or other educational endeavors. It requires 100 hours in a P-12 classroom or in an education-related setting such as a publishing company, daycare, community-organization, or museum. During the internship the student acts as an apprentice to the site supervisor; in schools this takes the form of working a regular teacher’s schedule for approximately three weeks.

Appropriate activities for the classroom range from performing clerical duties to presenting lessons to small groups and whole classes. The Director of Field Experience at Denison monitors students’ work during the internship through phone calls and email communication. The student will complete a reflective journal a culminating paper, a student evaluation form, and a data collection sheet; the site supervisor will provide an evaluation of the student’s work.

Students are expected to develop a preliminary understanding of:

  • Developmental issues concerning the age group with which they interact
  • Cultural difference in the setting
  • Collaborative and individual modes of teaching and learning
  • Individual differences
  • Assessment
  • The role of the school or institution in its community

May Term Forms

The following forms should be completed during and after a May Term:


⇒ Use your Big Red ID to access more information on May Term. Visit: MyDenison » Campus Resources » Educational Studies: Information for Students » May Term and Summer Internships